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[Archport] Fwd: [nap-ualg] ScienceDirect Alert: Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 35, 2012

Subject :   [Archport] Fwd: [nap-ualg] ScienceDirect Alert: Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 35, 2012
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Date :   Fri, 17 Feb 2012 18:42:31 +0000

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Quaternary Science ReviewsQuaternary Science Reviews

Volume 35,  Pages 1-140, 5 March 2012

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 1. Editors & Editorial board. Publication info   

Pages IFC-

  Invited Review
 2. Piecing together the past: statistical insights into paleoclimatic reconstructions   Review Article

Pages 1-22
Martin P. Tingley, Peter F. Craigmile, Murali Haran, Bo Li, Elizabeth Mannshardt, Bala Rajaratnam

  Research and Review Papers
 3. Orbital time-scale circulation controls of the Australian summer monsoon: a possible role for mid-latitude Southern Hemisphere forcing?   Original Research Article

Pages 23-28
Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll, Jennifer M. Hopwood, Guangshan Chen


►We consider northwest Australian summer monsoon forcing over Quaternary time scales.►Evaluate hemisphere/inter-hemisphere links.►Undertake AOGCM and analytical modeling.►Show a prominent role for Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude forcing of the monsoon.

 4. The Holocene sedimentary history of the Kangerlussuaq Fjord-valley fill, West Greenland   Original Research Article

Pages 29-50
Joep E.A. Storms, Ilja L. de Winter, Irina Overeem, Guy G. Drijkoningen, Holger Lykke-Andersen


► We characterized the coupled Holocene infill of Kangerlussuaq Fjord and valleys. ► We identified three depositional phases. ► A revised sea level curve is proposed. ► Infill history is predominantly a function of sea level and basin geometry. ► Jökulhlaup driven hyperpycnal flows form subaqueous channels and lobes.

 5. Early mid-Holocene sea-level change and coastal environmental response on the southern Yangtze delta plain, China: implications for the rise of Neolithic culture   Original Research Article

Pages 51-62
Zhanghua Wang, Chencheng Zhuang, Yoshiki Saito, Jie Chen, Qing Zhan, Xiaodan Wang


► Early mid-Holocene relative sea level reconstructed by basal saltmarsh sediments. ► Rapid sea level rise from 8600 to 8500 cal BP and from 7400 to 7200 cal BP. ► Interfluve terraces between paleo-incised Yangtze and Qiangtang mouth during the LGM. ► Wide marine inundation during the early mid-Holocene. ► Freshwater Taihu Plain formed from 6500 cal BP and allowed Neolithic settlement.

 6. Palaeoglaciology of the Alexander Island ice cap, western Antarctic Peninsula, reconstructed from marine geophysical and core data   Original Research Article

Pages 63-81
Alastair G.C. Graham, James A. Smith


► Palaeoglaciology of AI's ice cap reconstructed from geophysical data and cores. ► Extensive ice cover on the shelf at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). ► Two major tidewater glaciers discharged an ice dome centred west of the island. ► Retreat from shelf at 13.5–14.5 kyrs in line with Antarctic Peninsula deglaciation. ► No significant refugia could have existed in the lee of the ice cap at the LGM.

 7. Holocene key coral species in the Northwest Pacific: indicators of reef formation and reef ecosystem responses to global climate change and anthropogenic stresses in the near future   Original Research Article

Pages 82-99
Chuki Hongo


► Changes in Holocene coral assemblages reflect sea-level variations. ► Few key coral species are an indicators of reef formation history. ► The key species will be essential to the survival of coral reefs in the near future. ► In the last decades, they have declined worldwide. ► Conservation and restoration efforts should focus.

 8. Response of the Irish Ice Sheet to abrupt climate change during the last deglaciation   Original Research Article

Pages 100-115
Jorie Clark, A. Marshall McCabe, David Q. Bowen, Peter U. Clark


► A synthesis of chronological constraints on the Irish Ice Sheet over the last 50,000 years. ► Formally identifies major fluctuations of the ice sheet. ► Evidence that the ice-sheet fluctuations can be associated with abrupt climate changes.

 9. Rapid vegetation response to Lateglacial and early Holocene climatic fluctuation in the South Carpathian Mountains (Romania)   Original Research Article

Pages 116-130
E.K. Magyari, G. Jakab, M. Bálint, Z. Kern, K. Buczkó, M. Braun


► Pollen, stomata and macrofossil records from S Carpathian glacial lakes are provided. ► Lateglacial tree line was at ∼1800 m formed byLarix,Pinus mugo,Picea abies.► Tree line position and composition showed minor change during the Younger Dryas.

 10. Understanding the ecological background of rice agriculture on the Ningshao Plain during the Neolithic Age: pollen evidence from a buried paddy field at the Tianluoshan cultural site   Original Research Article

Pages 131-138
Chunhai Li, Yunfei Zheng, Shiyong Yu, Yongxiang Li, Huadong Shen


► We present pollen data from the Neolithic paddy field in the Yangtze delta. ► Our data suggest that the paddy fields were reclaimed from wetlands in mid-Holocene. ► The results do not support the Ruddiman's hypothesis.


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Núcleo de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia
Laboratório G22
FCHS - Departamento de História, Arqueologia e Património
Universidade do Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 Faro, PORTUGAL


Mensagem anterior por data: [Archport] A PROPÓSITO DO MUSEU REGIONAL DE BEJA Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Fwd: [nap-ualg] ScienceDirect Alert: Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 39, Iss. 5, 2012
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] Fwd: [nap-ualg] ScienceDirect Alert: Quaternary International, Vol. 252, 2012 Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] Fwd: [nap-ualg] ScienceDirect Alert: Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 48, 2012