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[Archport] Fwd: Invitation To Contribute To 2013 IFRAO Internatio​nal Rock Art Congress

To :   ARCHPORT <>
Subject :   [Archport] Fwd: Invitation To Contribute To 2013 IFRAO Internatio​nal Rock Art Congress
From :   cristina lopes <>
Date :   Mon, 19 Mar 2012 15:51:48 +0000

Caros colegas,
aqui fica a informação para todos os que tiverem a disponibilidade e possibilidade financeira,, quer por relacionamentos com instituições ou relacionamentos particulares que lhes permitam cooperar com esta missão de divulgar a arqueologia portuguesa, bem como  alargar o leque de conhecimentos e assim promover e honrar o bom nome desta disciplina e direi mesmo deste País, ou seja colocar no mercado internacional o produto nacional, fruto de virtuosas pesquizas que se pretendem dar a conhecer noutras paragens.
Grata pela atenção dispensada
Cristina Lopes

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yang <>
Date: Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 11:37 AM
Subject: Invitation To Contribute To 2013 IFRAO Internatio​nal Rock Art Congress
To: Christina <>

Dear Colleague,


Hosted by the American Rock Art Research Association, the XVII International Congress of IFRAO, with the congress theme of Ancient Hands Around the World, will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA between 26 and 31 May, 2013. Professor Zhang Yasha and Professor Tang Huisheng will co-chair the session of 21st Century Discoveries and Research of Chinese Rock Art. Attached please find the session-related information. I am writing to cordially invite you to contribute to this session by addressing any topic concerning Chinese rock art: new discoveries, analyses, overviews, reviews, comparative research or theoretical papers. We are asking for presentation titles and abstracts by the end of June 2012.


Please consider attending this major international event and contributing to the Chinese session. And your efforts to convey this piece of session notice to your colleagues would be highly appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you and communicating with you in the states, 2013. Thank you!


Cordial regards.











电话:131 4647 4872





Ph. D Candidate

Officer of Foreign Affairs of RARAC

Rock Art Research Association of China

School of Ethnology & Sociology

Minzu University of China

27 Zhongguancun South Avenue,

Haidian District, Beijing, 100081,

People’s Republic of China

Tel: +86 131 4647 4872



Attachment: 21st Century Discoveries and Research of Chinese Rock Art.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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