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[Archport] EUNAMUS Final Conference - Budapest -12-14 Dec. 2012

To :   "museum" <>, "archport" <>
Subject :   [Archport] EUNAMUS Final Conference - Budapest -12-14 Dec. 2012
From :   José d'Encarnação <>
Date :   Fri, 28 Sep 2012 00:54:04 +0100


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National Museums in a Changing Europe



12-14 December 2012
Central European University



Friday 14 December 2012

Eunamus final conference:

the Cultural Force of National Museums


Central European University Budapest

How can the national museum act as a cultural change agent to encourage an engaged citizenry? As active political citizenship depends on citizens’ sense of identity and belonging to communities, the creation of cultural and social cohesion remains a perennial challenge for any political community at national and regional levels and not the least within Europe. This conference will further the understanding of the societal role of the national museum in the 21th century.

Findings from the research consortium Eunamus indicate that the national museum plays a vital role in stabilizing and balancing competing interests within both emerging and established political communities. Museums negotiate political claims for national unity at the same time as they showcase Europe’s national, cultural, and ethnic diversity. They are born out of societal change and constantly adapt to alterations in political communities. For the last twenty years they have been challenged with handling at least three parallel political visions: a national identity, a claim for European identity and citizenship, and a diverse cultural identity within nations. Now they are being asked to balance democratic ideals with economic innovation.

This conference brings together policy makers at all levels, museum professionals and Eunamus researchers to discuss five cross-cutting propositions emerging out of this three-year multi-disciplinary transnational project.


9-9.30 Opening

9.30-10.15 National museums are born out of and respond to change

10.15 - 11 National museums mediate and negotiate conflict

11-11.45 National museums provide cultural glue both within and between communities

11.45-12.30 Refreshments

12.30-13.15 National museums increasingly recognize their powerful voice in creating social identies

13.15 -14 National museums must deal with competing demands from their various audiences

14-14.30 Closing words

To register, please send an email to

Invited discussants:

David Anderson, Director General, National Museum of Wales, UK

Erminia Sciacchitano, Direzione generale per la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale - Servizio I, Italy

Jacqueline Eidelman, Chef de département de la politique des publics Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, France

Peter Assmann, Network of European Museums, Director of Landesmuseum Austria

Luís Raposo, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia Portugal, President of ICOM Portugal, Board of ICOM Europe, Portugal

Anastasia Lazaridou, Director of the Byzantine and Christian Museums, Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Greece

Merike Lang, Director of The Estonian Open-Air Museum, Estonia

Péter Inkei, Director Regional Observatory on Financing Culture in East-Central Europe, The Budapest Observatory, Budapest

Rane Willerslev, Director of the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, Norway


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