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[Archport] UISPP 2014 (Burgos) - Sessão Emergência da Tecnologia Cerâmica no sudoeste europeu

To :   Archport <>
Subject :   [Archport] UISPP 2014 (Burgos) - Sessão Emergência da Tecnologia Cerâmica no sudoeste europeu
From :   César Neves <>
Date :   Fri, 28 Mar 2014 06:33:24 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Colleagues,
We are organizing a session for the XVII World Congress of the International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP) which will take place in Burgos (Spain) from the 1st to the 7th of September 2014. This session is coordinated by the UISPP Comission UISPP Commission "Holocene hunter-gatherers in southern Europe and the Mediterranean/Pontic basin/Les chasseurs-cueilleurs holocènes en Europe méridional et dans le basin méditerranéen/pontien" and the topic is: 
Session A27b:
Atlantic reinterpretations:
the emergence of pottery technology in South-western Europe

We would like to invite you and your colleagues to attend this session. According to the standards required by the organization of the Congress, your proposal of communication must be sent at the same time to us (  and to the organizers (, pointing out the reference  (A27b) and the coordinator name. Submission deadline will be: April 30, 2014.
Best regards,
Miriam Cubas
Pablo Arias
Mariana Diniz
César Neves

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