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[APDIO] Call for papers Special Session "Computational Intelligence in seaport cooperation under sustainability settings" International Conference on Computational Logistics (ICCL 2015) Delft, The Netherlands, September 23-25, 2015

•   To: <Apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] Call for papers Special Session "Computational Intelligence in seaport cooperation under sustainability settings" International Conference on Computational Logistics (ICCL 2015) Delft, The Netherlands, September 23-25, 2015
•   From: "A. Ismael F. Vaz" <aivaz@dps.uminho.pt>
•   Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 17:43:53 +0100

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Call for papers

Special Session "Computational Intelligence in seaport cooperation under sustainability settings"

International Conference on Computational Logistics (ICCL 2015)

Delft, The Netherlands, September 23-25, 2015


Scope of the session:

This special session is interested in attracting high quality research papers for the sustainable development of seaports. The preferable context for the research papers will be the environmental management system programs (EMS) that have gained the interest of decision makers such as port authorities and policy makers. The EMS aims for whether a seaport has the minimum competencies to operate or endeavors aggressive strategies towards radical actions to protect the environment in the long-term. Therefore, any kind of cooperation among seaports such as joint ventures, supply chain integration and informational integration faces difficult dilemmas with respect to who is prepared to deal with the issue. Defining strategies to understand the consequences of collaboration between seaports also requires the use of clear environmental benchmarks. The discussion still remains limited with regards to the adoption of different models and simulation approaches in this direction.

Our goal is simultaneously: 1) address sustainable development of seaports covering main aspects such as reducing air emissions, improving water quality and minimizing impacts of growth as a framework to capture and manage specific environmental indicators produced by agencies and local administrative authorities, 2) account for optimization techniques to increase the impact of those findings by relating environmental benchmarks to current seaport world-wide challenges, and 3) revision of the state-of-art in decision support systems using formal, heavyweight ontologies to accurately and reasonably use environmental terms, links and data complexities to the efficient implementation of computational intelligence with the aim of a seaport cooperation.

Topics could include but are not limited to the following: 

   1) Decision support systems for the environmental evaluation of seaports

  2) Computational intelligence for the assessment of benchmarks and indicators easily used in the context of  environmental seaport cooperation

   3) Robust computing systems for the evaluation of seaport environmental standards    

   4) Ontologies proposed or applied in the domain of seaport cooperation

   5) Ontologies built in intelligent applications and environmental management system programs (EMS).


Submission deadline: April 15, 2015 (hard deadline)

Papers have to be submitted via the conference submission site at: http://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccl15

Authors must follow the Sptinger LNCS paper formatting available at the conference website: http://realtimelogistics.info/iccl/


Full papers will be published as part of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series and indexed by ISI Web of Science (ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index), Scopus, ACM Digital Library, EI Engineering Index, DBLP, MathSciNet, Google Scholar (amongst others).


Kind regards,



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