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[APDIO] Fwd: 155TH EUROPEAN STUDY GROUP WITH INDUSTRY: ESGI155 - registration is open!

•   To: apdio@ci.uc.pt
•   Subject: [APDIO] Fwd: 155TH EUROPEAN STUDY GROUP WITH INDUSTRY: ESGI155 - registration is open!
•   From: APDIO <apdio@civil.ist.utl.pt>
•   Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 13:00:12 +0100


Vimos por este meio solicitar que seja divulgado pela lista de emails da APDIO o email abaixo apelando à participação da comunidade portuguesa de matemáticos, no evento 155TH EUROPEAN STUDY GROUP WITH INDUSTRY onde se propõe aos participantes a resolução de problemas da indústria relacionados, entre outros campos, com a parte de otimização (como pode ser visto no site do evento).


Obrigado pela atenção!


Os melhores cumprimentos


Em nome da organização do ESGI155

Fernando Sebastião
Professor Adjunto (Ph.D. in Mathematics and Statistics)
Departamento de Matemática
Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão - Instituto Politécnico de Leiria

Telef.  (+351) 244 820300         
Ext. Interna: 203198
Telef. Direto do Exterior: (+351) 244 843389

Página pessoal: http://sites.google.com/site/fsebast/

Researcher in the Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM



Dear all,


The European Study Group with Industry (ESGI) is a long standing event promoted by the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) and its first edition took place fifty years ago at the University of Oxford, UK. Typically, 5-7 ESGI events occur in different European countries every year and Portugal is not an exception.


We are pleased to announce that, in collaboration with the Portuguese Network for Mathematics in Industry and Innovation (PT-MATHS-IN), the Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development (CDRSP) in partnership with the Department of Mathematics of the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (DMAT of ESTG, IPLeiria) will organize the next (number 155th) edition of the ESGI.  ESGI155   will take place 1-5 of July and the participants will work together on 4 real-world open challenges proposed by Portuguese companies. A summary of each problem can be found on the http://esgi.ipleiria.pt/.


If you enjoy teamwork or want to learn more about modelling, please check the  proposed challenges by industry, register and come to Leiria to share your ideas with us.




Please register until 25 of June here:


The registration is free. In order to apply for financial support please send your CV and motivation letter to esgi@ipleiria.pt.




Please visit the ESGI155 webpage (http://esgi.ipleiria.pt/) for more detailed information about the program, venue, committee and accommodation.


Looking forward to seeing you at ESGI155!


With our best regards,
On behalf of the organizing committee,


Fernando Sebastião

Paula Faria

P.S.: Please find in the attachment the poster of ESGI155.
We would highly appreciate if you distribute this announcement to possible interested parties in your network.




Attachment: Poster_ESGI.png
Description: PNG image

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