Lista apdio - Índice cronológico

Índice por assuntos TOTAL DE MENSAGENS NO ARQUIVO: 1717

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  Data   Assunto   Remetente
02/05/2014 [APDIO] Posições para engenheiros, doutorandos e pós-doutorandos (Universidade de Bordéus/INRIA) Cláudio Alves
29/04/2014 [APDIO] Anúncio de bolsas de Pós-Doutoramento A. Ismael F. Vaz
28/04/2014 [APDIO] EXTENDED DEADLINE 16.05.2014: 3rd International Symposium & 25th National Conference on Operational Research A. Ismael F. Vaz
28/04/2014 [APDIO] JM2 – Special issue on Applications of Evolutionary Algorithms to Management Problems Maria João Alves
26/04/2014 [APDIO] EURO Support for NATCOR Bursaries A. Ismael F. Vaz
24/04/2014 [APDIO] Curso: Is CPLEX like a box of chocolates? A. Ismael F. Vaz
24/04/2014 [APDIO] Reminder: ORAHS 2014 Lisboa, July 20-25, Abstract Submission Deadline: April 25th Inês Marques
23/04/2014 [APDIO] 2nd CFP - VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization A. Ismael F. Vaz
22/04/2014 [APDIO] Fwd: SOLA/Air Products Biennial Dissertation Award Joana Matos Dias
22/04/2014 [APDIO] SOBRAPO - XLVI SBPO A. Ismael F. Vaz
22/04/2014 [APDIO] VII RED-M Call for ABSTRACTS (at XVII CLAIO 2014) A. Ismael F. Vaz
22/04/2014 [APDIO] Encontro Nacional da SPM ENSP14 - FCT UNL A. Ismael F. Vaz
22/04/2014 [APDIO] 43 JAIIO - Simposio de Investigación Operativa, deadline extendido A. Ismael F. Vaz
22/04/2014 [APDIO] Call for Papers: The 4th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS 2014) [Extended abstract submission deadlines] A. Ismael F. Vaz
18/04/2014 [APDIO] ORAHS 2014 Lisboa, July 20-25 Announcement and Call for Papers Inês Marques
15/04/2014 [APDIO] Pós-Doc em Matemática Industrial/Engenharia de Produção - UNESP de São José do Rio Preto A. Ismael F. Vaz
09/04/2014 [APDIO] ESICUP / RENAULT challenge on container loading for logistics platforms "José F. Oliveira"
08/04/2014 [APDIO] Post-Doctoral Fellowship - Industrial Mathematics A. Ismael F. Vaz
08/04/2014 [APDIO] ORAHS 2014 Lisboa, July 20-25 Announcement and Call for Papers A. Ismael F. Vaz
07/04/2014 [APDIO] CFP META'2014 A. Ismael F. Vaz
02/04/2014 [APDIO] Check into another world Atlantis-The Palm-Dubai
02/04/2014 [APDIO] Fwd: Conferência ENBIS-14: Chamada de trabalhos Joana Matos Dias
02/04/2014 [APDIO] 8th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, 2015, Guimarães A. Ismael F. Vaz
31/03/2014 [APDIO] 5th International Conference on Computational Logistics A. Ismael F. Vaz
24/03/2014 [APDIO] Optimization 2014 - deadline approaching! A. Ismael F. Vaz
24/03/2014 [APDIO] Call for Papers: The 4th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS 2014) A. Ismael F. Vaz
09/03/2014 [APDIO] Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Operations Research Ademir Constantino
05/03/2014 [APDIO] VII RED-M Call for Papers (at XVII CLAIO 2014) A. Ismael F. Vaz
03/03/2014 [APDIO] CLAIO Monterrey 2014: Call for Papers (Extended deadline) A. Ismael F. Vaz
01/03/2014 [APDIO] Assistant Professor in Quality Management position in Nottingham University "José F. Oliveira"
27/02/2014 [APDIO] CMMSE 2014 Teresa Monteiro
20/02/2014 [APDIO] Information, 7th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference (CHAOS2014) 7-10 June 2014 Lisbon, Portugal A. Ismael F. Vaz
12/02/2014 [APDIO] CMS 2014 - 11th International Conference on Computational Management Science Raquel João Fonseca
11/02/2014 [APDIO] Divulgação de call para docente/investigador A. Ismael F. Vaz
10/02/2014 [APDIO] Divulgação de call para docente/investigador Conceição Portela Silva
10/02/2014 [APDIO] CLAIO XVII/CSMIO III Nuevo llamado a participar A. Ismael F. Vaz
10/02/2014 [APDIO] ICORD 2014 Call for Participants A. Ismael F. Vaz
06/02/2014 [APDIO] ORAHS 2014 Lisboa, July 20-25 Announcement and Call for Papers A. Ismael F. Vaz
27/01/2014 [APDIO] Tenure-Track for Assistant Professor in CS at the University of Campinas, Brazil A. Ismael F. Vaz
27/01/2014 [APDIO] IX JORNADAS DE MATEMÁTICA DISCRETA Y ALGORÍTMICA, Tarragona, España, 7-9 de julio A. Ismael F. Vaz
27/01/2014 [APDIO] CfP - IFORS 2014: \"Teaching OR/MS\" Stream A. Ismael F. Vaz
24/01/2014 [APDIO] CFP: Computational Optimization and Applications @ ICCSA 2014 Ana Maria A. C. Rocha
24/01/2014 [APDIO] Desta vez não é engano... :-) Re: Mini EURO Conference on Improving Healthcare: new challenges, new approaches Ana Viana
24/01/2014 Re: [APDIO] Mini EURO Conference on Improving Healthcare: new challenges, new approaches Ana Viana
24/01/2014 Re: [APDIO] Mini EURO Conference on Improving Healthcare: new challenges, new approaches Ana Viana
24/01/2014 Re: [APDIO] Mini EURO Conference on Improving Healthcare: new challenges, new approaches "José F. Oliveira"
23/01/2014 [APDIO] Mini EURO Conference on Improving Healthcare: new challenges, new approaches Joana Matos Dias
22/01/2014 [APDIO] IFORS in Barcelona | Teaching OR/MS Maria Antonia Carravilla

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