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Re: [Archport] TESES...
Re: [Archport] TESES...
Alexandre Monteiro
, 09/03/2009
[Archport] Teses de doutoramento online
Marta Diaz-Guardamino
, 17/10/2007
Re: [Archport] Teses de doutoramento online
Joao Paulo Pereira
, 17/10/2007
[Archport] Teses defendidas em Espanha
José d'Encarnação
, 11/07/2011
Re: [Archport] Teses defendidas em Espanha
João Vaz
, 12/07/2011
[Archport] Teses inglesas
José d'Encarnação
, 04/01/2010
[Archport] Teses - links
José d'Encarnação
, 04/01/2010
[Archport] Tese sobre a villa romana de Freiria
José d'Encarnação
, 19/01/2009
[Archport] Tesouro de Estremoz
Manuel Castro Nunes
, 07/04/2009
Re: [Archport] Tesouro de Estremoz
Alexandre Monteiro
, 07/04/2009
[Archport] Tesouro de Moedas Romanas, etc.
vasco mantas
, 17/11/2007
[Archport] Tesouro de nau portuguesa pertence ao Brasil, diz militar
Alexandre Monteiro
, 18/11/2009
[Archport] "Tesouro" do Vale do Mouro, Coriscada
Pedro Pina Nóbrega
, 11/10/2007
[Archport] Tesouros
João de Castro Nunes
, 24/09/2011
[Archport] Tesouros.
Manuel Castro Nunes
, 22/09/2011
[Archport] TESTE
vasco mantas
, 26/08/2014
[Archport] Testemunho de J. C. Senna-Martinez
José d'Encarnação
, 14/07/2011
[Archport] Testemunho sobre Fernando Silva
Rui Luzes Cabral
, 26/01/2010
[Archport] Teste: por favor ignore
João Sá Marta
, 25/08/2014
[Archport] Test flight over Peru ruins could revolutionize archaeological mapping (Vanderbilt University)
António Correia
, 25/08/2012
[Archport] Texto Hebreu de 3 mil anos
, 03/11/2008
[Archport] textos latinos online
Pedro Albuquerque
, 09/10/2009
[Archport] TGV - Subject: Digest Archport, volume 88, assunto 93 > To: > Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 23:10:07 +0000
alvaro batista
, 30/01/2011
[Archport] T. Hauschild
José d'Encarnação
, 21/02/2012
[Archport] The 2,000-year-old 'supertanker'
Alexandre Monteiro
, 07/06/2008
[Archport] The 2nd International Conference of the UISSP Commission on Flint Mining in Pre- and Protohistoric Times.
José Paulo Francisco
, 15/06/2009
[Archport] The Age of Sensing: 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology
João Fonte
, 24/03/2014
[Archport] The Archaeological Musealization Multidisciplinary Intervention in Archaeological Sites for the Conservation, Communication and Culture Edited by Marco Vaudetti, Valeria Minucciani, Simona Canepa
José Paulo Francisco
, 06/04/2012
[Archport] The Art of Making in Antiquity: Stoneworking in the Roman World
José d'Encarnação
, 20/05/2014
[Archport] The Baltic Sea - The Mediterranean of the North
Sónia Bombico
, 09/08/2013
[Archport] The Bibracte European School of Protohistory_2010_LANGUAGES AND WRITING IN THE IRON AGE
João Fonte
, 05/12/2009
[Archport] The British Museum Online Journals
Marta Diaz-Guardamino
, 01/02/2009
[Archport] The Bronze Congress Program
José d'Encarnação
, 05/05/2011
[Archport] The crocodile god in the Fayyum in the Dynastic Period
José d'Encarnação
, 23/01/2011
[Archport] The Cultural Landscape and Heritage Paradox.
José Paulo Francisco
, 25/01/2011
[Archport] The Diolkos road
, 22/09/2007
[Archport] The Durham Medieval Archaeologists (DMA)
, 03/06/2008
[Archport] The Frome Roman treasure
Paulo Monteiro
, 14/12/2010
[Archport] The Gens from Ancient Ideology to Modern Anthropology
Manuel Leitão
, 23/07/2013
[Archport] The high cost of artifacts (de)acession
Paulo Monteiro
, 05/01/2010
[Archport] The Historic Environment - a new journal for 2010.
José Paulo Francisco
, 29/10/2009
[Archport] The Imperial Fora: New Online Digital Image Catalogue. (1995-2007).
José d'Encarnação
, 14/03/2007
[Archport] The Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Collection Online
José d'Encarnação
, 25/05/2014
[Archport] The Nature of Palaeolithic Art
Fernando Augusto Coimbra
, 25/06/2007
[Archport] The past is so last year
Rui Gomes Coelho
, 22/12/2008
<Possíveis seguimentos>
Re: [Archport] The past is so last year
Rui Gomes Coelho
, 18/02/2009
[Archport] The Prehistoric Society Europa day-conference 2008
João Fonte
, 09/04/2008
[Archport] The Prehistoric Society Europa day-conference 2009
António Correia
, 15/02/2009
[Archport] The Prehistory of Britain and Ireland.
José Paulo Francisco
, 20/10/2009
[Archport] The Prehistory of Iberia. Debating Early Social Stratification and the State
João Fonte
, 01/09/2010
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